Sunday, May 8, 2011


Ah, Mother's Day.  A Hallmark holiday gone way too mainstream.  But, hey, I'll jump on the bandwagon.

My husband asked me how I wanted to spend the day.  I thought about it for a while, and the truth is, I want to spend the day ALONE!

Alone, alone, alone.

I've really never been the loner type.  I'll see a movie by myself every now and again (because my husband hates movies), and I'm not one of those people that feels uncomfortable sitting at a bar eating a meal by myself.  But all else equal, I'm all for companionship.  

But being a stay at home mom, alone time is very, very hard to come by.  Time that is truly just mine, without the threat of interruption. Strangely, one of the things I miss most about working is the commute!  Being able to be in a car by myself, listen to music at whatever volume, and just collect my thoughts.  Things that were once so routine are now such a novelty.

So today, I am staying in bed until 9 or so and enjoying a cup of coffee.  I'll hang with the family for the rest of the morning, accompany my son to soccer (yes, soccer for 2.5 year olds), and then take a few hours to do whatever I want, all on my own.  Maybe I'll go shopping.  Or driving.  Or just hang out at Barnes & Noble.  Whatever I do, you can be sure I'll be missing my boys, but relishing a bit of the day just for me.  

So here's to all the hard working moms out there.  I hope you all get to spend the day exactly as you want, whatever that may be!

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