Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pic of the Week - Almost Birthday

A year ago today was my due date.

I was not in good shape.  I was convinced I was going to be pregnant FOREVER.  I remember leaving work, driving home, and calling my sister whereby I had a panic attack that this baby was never going to come.  I was never going to start maternity leave, and my mother in law, who was staying with us to watch Braden for the birth, would be staying with us permanently.

In the midst of my panic attack, I was pulled over and got a ticket for talking on my cell phone while driving.  I was so over it, I didn't even attempt to use the pregnancy card to get out of the ticket.

Looking back, I don't know what I was all worked up about.  Of course the baby was going to come.  Of course I wasn't going to be pregnant forever.  But as a nine month's pregnant woman, it doesn't matter.  There is no rationality.

Later that night, the contractions started.  And at 8:50am the next morning, I met my beautiful baby boy.

So today, here in Disney World, we celebrated Casey's almost birthday. 

And though Casey looks less than thrilled, he did enjoy his ice cream.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Little C! Hope this coming year is a wonderful one for the whole family.

    PS: We have the same bottles. TWINS.


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