Monday, July 14, 2014

Head on Over...

To the Ms. JD website today (click here).  There's an interview of yours truly!

Happy Monday!


  1. Unable to comment at that site but I disagree with your advice that because the numbers are bad, women shouldn't go into big law at all. you think that will improve the numbers? Big Law is the most prestigious place in the profession, or at least one pathway to it, and the training you get there is better than at most places. What about going to biglaw a few years before kids, then leaving senior enough to be able to go to a lot of interesting opportunities that wouldnt be possible or would be very hard without biglaw experience? In government, in house, and so on?

  2. I too was not able to comment on the other site, but I wanted to note that my husband (at a big law firm in Minneapolis) took the full eight-week (yes, 8!) paid paternity leave allowed by his firm. (I'm a big-law alum of the same firm, turned stay-at-home mom.) Maybe the Midwest is leading the way on paternity leave?


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